This index specifically covers the information I have produced concerning my continuing exploration since project 1A.
Soundscaping - the sense of sound
soundscaping in music
Qualitative spatial definition through sound.
For explorations of these foci, refer to the process work for my individual task, and my "Caligari meets Chopin" video.
Alegoric response to character - borrowed materials
high tactility
Relationship of touch to sound
For explorations of these foci, refer to the study of graphite on my hand, the process work between my individual room to the group "opening" task, and the model making task.
Sentient Architecture - the sense of consciousness
Organic form development
Dynamic Lighting
User-activated optical illusions
Explorations of these last foci permeate much of my design exploration since Project 1A, in response to the architecture coming alive, or at least creating the experience of being "present", so please find my work in this area particularly in my drawn plans and sections for the task iterations.